
If you would like personalized help, without using pharmaceuticals, in the area of

Vaginal Dryness

Promoting Lactation


Sexual Health


Overall Women’s Health and Vitality

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Total Family Wellness .
Lift Every Baby 2019

Our annual Lift Every Baby event is coming in just a few weeks! Mark your calendars for the date and location below!

Saturday, August 24th


Location: Christ’s Chapel at ORU

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Brittany Fisher
COBA's Ethnic Cohort

In 2015, COBA received grants from NACCHO and ASTHO to improve access to breastfeeding education and support for minority mothers with the objective of reducing disparities in breastfeeding rates and family health. As our ASTHO grant is ending soon we are sending four ethnic women to learn about oral function in the infant child. Through encouraging and participating in continuing education we can provide optimal care in the communities we serve.

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The IBCLC & Tongue Tie

"The most successful approach to tongue/lip tie revision includes:

1. The IBCLC, who helps to establish better latch mechanics and positioning in addition to improving sucking skills…

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Brittany Fisher
The Journey Continues

Today, July 25th, I have reached a turning point in my life. I’m standing here naked in the quiet of my bathroom , hair dripping wet, and as I look upon my body all I can say is “Thank you Jesus!”…

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Brittany Fisher
Xa Xa's Journey

So this is my side, my view of what happened to my family this weekend. I know this is long. I wrote this, I think to make since of it all. To process it. It doesn't seem real…

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Brittany Fisher